Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Snow in Seoul

It has Snowed the last two evenings here. Big wet fluffy flakes that melt when they land on the road but leave a crusty dusting on cars and in the shadows of trees and buildings. I find the weather to be similar to Vancouver right now and was able to predict the snow fall. Its a good thing too, because like a hairy caterpillar watcher I headed to Dongdaemun market to buy a Jacket and Tuque on Thursday. It was minus 10 with wind chill by Saturday. My camera is misbehaving so I can't show you pictures. (I say "misbehaving" because I don't want to cede the possibility that it is broken, after only a few months.)


Amanda said...

whats a toque? how do you say that anyway? toe kay? taw kee?

Mud On His Shoes said...

nice amanda. How long have you been away from the great white north???

Dane said...

you beat us on the snow fall. We had like 30 flurries flakes but thats about it! And its still decently warm. Its weird. And I am so not used to the cold (but not really too cold) days.

Amanda said...

i always spelled it as tuke. but what do i know... you dont really use those kinda things in mexico... and of course it makes sense to not spell it in a remotely phonetically logical way...

Mela said...

it's freezing here but we've got no snow to show for it, which is too bad because if its gonna be cold, there might as well be some fun to go along with it.

p.s. I always spelled it tuque. or tooque or actually, I have no idea. I probably just spell it different every time. Or say beanie for the sake of not spelling it.