Friday, July 06, 2007

friday ok maybe that was a little heavy

Its friday. I have one more class to teach. The kids will write a test and then if theyre done early we will play scrabble. I used to play scrabble at home and hated it because Mom and Rueben would kick my ass. I hated it because of course I only ever play to win. Just kidding. But I thought that I was terrible and kind of stupid. Then I played other people besides them and i realized that I was not that terrible. That either means Im as stupid as evryone else or my Mom and Rueben are genius'. Anyway I am talking about people at college not my 10 year old students who speak english as a second language. But I sure can kick ass in those games. ah teaching is such a great ego trip.
today my kinderkids were all singing this song that is about loving kimchi but they changed the words to be that they loved me. its a bit much so I will leave here today and shave my head and wear sackcloth and ashes to humble myself. Actually Im going to find a corner store and buy a beer and sit on the stoop and people watch till im really hungry.


Swallowfield said...

Dear Joshua, I would love to meet you after school today, sit on the stoop beside you and sip....well, a hot cup of fresh Earl Grey-with-Lavendar tea...Asia's latest mmmm.
Fridays are especially good after a week when you know you are loved by your class.
Remembering the after schools of the past fall and winter and missing you during our coffee,tea, wine and dinner times this summer.
Love you MOM

r.c.f. said...

sittin' on the stoop sounds great. you should write a song about it, otis redding style.

anita said...

Dear Josh: I think you're destined to be a kindergarten teacher. Your blogs make me laugh. I can only imagine the hair-raising adventure you are on. Love A. Anita and the rest.

sdouma said...

You've got to take those moments where they love 10 year old boys tell me everyday that I'm beautiful (mostly it's because they want something, but it's fun!) and the moments where you can beat them at a game and enjoy it, like your parents enjoyed beating you at that parent/teacher way - good for the soul. Beating my dad at Scrabble is still the greatest thrill ever - b/c he always wins.