Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little Bit of Everything

A great deal of heat exhaustion mixed with full moon ecliptical fever made this a bear of a day. As you can see getting these kids to walk the pace and stay on the rope as we traversed the busy Sinsa neighborhood to the park was nothing short of miraculous. Largely due to the Herculean effort by Jinny as the Line leader.

The Monkeys staying right where they should... for about three seconds.
Not your typical Asian street advertisement. Check out the Bobble-headed green haired hippie in the middle. Anyone recognize that chap?
One of the grand Palaces of Seoul. The home a great bronze bell one of the national treasures of Korea. But more excitingly the home of the Seoul National art museum, temporarily housing the Hapsburg Collectors of Vienna's masterpieces. A great afternoon was had, hanging with Rembrandt, Rubens, Denner, And Chiefly my first brush with Velásquez.
A moment of great pride and then curious unease. The Canadian Embassy on a beautiful old street in the palace district a warm welcoming albeit closed building. And then a short trip around the corner to the front gate of the US embassy. (the front Iron serrated gate with the 3"x6" bullet proof viewing window. But then the unease which embassy would I run to if shit really hits the fan. The nice welcoming "we rarely piss em' off eh" one or the "git yer tail behind this before all y'all git blown" one. Anyway considering the circumstance at the moment I sure was proud to see that Canadian coat of arms out on the Street.


Mela said...

Nice flag!

Justine Ann said...

I only see Jesus in the green haired chap. The kids on a rope is definitely an attention grabbing photo.

Swallowfield said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Joshua,
Happy Birthday to you.

Steph said...

Hi Josh! I love the photos you posted they're great. My favorite is the one with you and the little teachers trying to get a head up. Hope you're doing well - we miss you here. Not missing much the summer was shit weather. Make sure to eat a lots of different restaurants.