Friday, May 19, 2006

the Long Way

Wednesday afternoon provided the overcast weather and car insurance and a week of hanging on at Dordt, finishing up was enough to raise the haste in my steps. i packed beginning at about three and was on the road after a pasta dinner, which my mouth wouldn't let me eat slow.
"Henderson" my "new to me" 1975 maroon Volvo 244 DL worked out its sore joints and clogged arteries becoming evermore comfortable at highway speeds; shaking out to a steady growl at either 60mph or 70mph; nuthin in between but the shivers, starting in the floor and rattling my hands on the wheel. The good Doctor and his family of Hendersons had handed over the sioux center sleepy sedan despite authentic saddness from Sabine and Rose. I am assured that their minds have eased with cappucinno's and cobblestones in their noses and eyes.
Driving into the South Dakota head wind. setting the arrow for the Black Hills sometime in the night. Near the Badlands the clouds shredded and pulled away from a moon, a shave away from fullness. and from there the wind was calm except for its rush past my window and the moon shed that extra needed light at the edge of the highway when you can't highbeam the oncoming trucks.
I drove through the quiet deserted and at this hour appropriatly named Black Hills at around 2:00 and after making my way on fumes for the better part of an hour parked in a ranch service road a short ways down from the gates of Crazy Horse Mountain. It was dark despite the moon and the street lights, and so the mount was obscured to a blue silhoette I walked up a frosty hill to see it close and then returned to my car to try and sleep.
6.4ft of man dont easily rest in 4.2ft of 75 Volvo and so after much shifting of my rump I sat back in my seat and shifted out into what was now a predawn road. The light blue brightening to gold as i pulled into the first fuel shop and gased up and headed for the Devil's tower.


Amanda said...

i almost hit a deer. just before he ran off the road, after i slammed on the brakes and veered to the right, i saw him wink at me.

r.c.f. said...

i need some proof of life here, josh. get with the program or i'll come out there and bitch slap you. and you'll like it.

but i probably will, too.

Jeffy said...

I lied

Apparently Joshua only made it as far as devils tower


Amanda said...

how bout a new post there, canada boy?

Amanda said...

seriously man...are you dead or are you sleeping?

sara without an 'h' said...

i'm getting worried. did you make it home??

flurp-boink said...

so....who votes we harass Josh with e-mails until he tells us he's alive?

Amanda said...

i vote "aye!".

Melanie said...

no kidding, blog sir josh please.

Jeffy said...

don't worry everyone!

Josh is alive, he's just a jerk (for not blogging)

A Mr. Matt Beimers gave Alan and I greetings from Josh last sunday

Tom S said...

Hey Josh, happened to stumble across your blog while browsing others. Glad to hear your still alive from Jeff's comment above me. Shoot me an e-mail or something when you've got the time, I'd enjoy talking with you sometime. Take care...have a good rest of the summer...