Tuesday, January 02, 2007

after the flood

Happy new year everyone
It has rained for 90% of the new year here in Langley BC. Christmas was spent in Sanfransisco and Yosemite Nat'l park wow.... big rocks. I am looking for gainful employment for the new year as I am now finished the whole student thing. Long strange trip that was. I wouldn't likly be writing a blog if I hadn't gone back to Dordt let alone a million other small things it has changed and the big things like all of you wonderful people out there who I met at Dordt and who might read this.
good reads and listens of 2006
"the Alchemist" by paolo coelho
"the irresitable revolution" shane claibourne (amazing)
"silence" Shusako endo

Bob Dylan "modern Times"
Gorillaz "demon days (thanks Ross)
Calexico w/ Iron and Wine "in the reins"
Sufjan Stevens "Christmas Album"
Decemberists "Crane Wife"
Lowell George "Thanks I'll eat it here"
Leonard Cohen soundtrack tribute cover thing "Im your Man"

Anyway visit soon or let me know if you hear of a sweet art teaching job and then I can come.


r.c.f. said...

don't thank me, thank reid. and don't tell anyone, but believe it or not, i miss your damn ugly face. good luck with the job search.

Cassie and Kevin Zonnefeld said...

I am enjoying crane wife at the moment and spent most of my day listening to the gorillaz. Another day is done, but God will give us courage until we meet again--lyrics from johnny that Matt is playing in the background. I hope to see you soon. Cassie and I talked about a trip out west this evening:)

Cassie and Kevin Zonnefeld said...

Phyllis' family is actually Kevin--I just thought I would say that in order to get rid of any confusion.

Mud On His Shoes said...

Come one come all

Danoudperk said...

Welcome to the blogger world Josh. Didn't realize you were a part until you posted a message on ours. Glad to hear the teaching went well. I have my first Intro to Env Science Labs in one hour. Oh what fun, teaching the young mind to think exactly like I do . . heheheheh.

Rachel:) said...

i need some advice from you! I am starting a teaching art job for k-8 in Denver tommorow, and i am not sure how to best manage an art classroom, any advice? Good luck on the job hunt! I hope you find something soon!

Jonathan said...

oo! Sufjan Christmas... I wanted to listen to that! I saw a great animated music video on YOUtube.

Anys, good thing you're blogging. You're far too interesting an individual not too.

It would be a crime.

scott hendric said...

Hi, Josh. Happy New Year!
Let's drink some good wine and love life. How does Saturday sound?